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The Idea of Nature Public Lecture Series

The Idea of Nature Public Lecture Series

47 Supporters
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Dear friends,


It has been a wonderful twelve years of organizing the Idea of Nature lecture series! We’ve hosted Guggenheim, Bancroft, Pulitzer, and MacArthur "Genius Award" winners, been featured in local media such as Boise Weekly, the Idaho Statesman, the Idaho Mountain Express, and  Idaho Public Television, and enjoyed partnerships with community and nonprofit groups all across the valley and beyond. Now that we are virtual as well as in person, we’ve had attendees from 23 states, 6 countries, and 15 different counties in Idaho and there are over 7,500 downloads on our website ( where many of the lectures are permanently archived.


I am writing to you today to ask if you might be willing to contribute to the series as we head into our thirteenth season. Rising costs and contractions in funding are making it harder to run this public programming and keep it as a free event accessible to everyone. Yet more than ever, we need interdisciplinary inquiry about the environment and dialogue across the campus and community in order to promote the mission of the series: big questions need interdisciplinary answers.


Would you consider contributing $10 for every year you’ve attended? With your participation, we’d be well on our way to a great future for the series.


With deepest thanks,

Samantha Harvey, Founder and Organizer of the Idea of Nature public lecture series

Interested in making a gift via check? Gifts may also be mailed directly to the Boise State University Foundation at:

1173 W. University Dr. Boise, ID 83706

Please include 'AR281 Idea of Nature' in the memo line.

Past Speakers (selected list)

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

  • - $200.0

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  • - $12.5

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  • - $50.0

  • - $25.0

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  • - $25.0